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Detroit Next Generation Initiative FAQ

How does the Kresge Human Services Program define Next Generation?

The Kresge Detroit Next Generation (NextGen) Initiative is focused on partnering with nonprofit organizations that seek to improve social and economic mobility (SEM) for children and families in Detroit. These high-performing organizations are characterized as: person-centered; outcomes-based; data-driven; applying a racial equity lens; and focused on greater sector impact and systems change. Additionally, these organizations adhere to sector best practices revolutionizing the human services sector such as brain-science informed and whole-family approaches.

This funding opportunity builds off our national NextGen efforts. Detroit is the first place-based, NextGen city.

What does being part of Kresge’s Detroit Next Generation Cohort include?

The initiative will be structured as a two-year program consisting of three components: 1) leadership development; 2) development of a community of practice; and 3) the development of organizational and cohort action plans toward advancing and accelerating SEM using a two-generation, whole-family approach. Grants of up to $250,000 over two years will be awarded to up to five organizations. Grantees will be supported to form a learning and collaboration network that will include three meetings per year.

Can any organization apply to be a part of the Kresge Detroit Next Generation Cohort? No, only organizations that meet the qualifications indicated above and using a two- family approach with a focus on SEM.

To be eligible, does my organization have to be based within Detroit’s city limits – or is eligibility predicated on the communities we are serving?

We are seeking to invest in Metro Detroit human services organizations that serve children and families who live in Detroit.

Can current Kresge grantees apply?

Yes, if the organization meets the qualifications listed above.

How do I apply for this cohort?

To apply, submit a proposal through Kresge’s online grantee portal between September 24, 2018 and no later than 12 p.m. noon (eastern) October 12, 2018.

If you have previously been a Kresge grantee, please use your existing Fluxx credentials to apply. If you are a new partner to Kresge, you will need to register for an account for your organization before applying. Please know that it can take 5 to 7 days to receive your Fluxx credentials.  You can find a guide to using Fluxx here.

As part of the application, you will be asked to describe how your work advances social and economic mobility for people with low incomes in the city of Detroit, as well as how your organization reflects the qualities of a next-generation organization as described above.

What do you mean by “whole-family” and “brain-science informed” approaches?

A two-generation (“2Gen”) approach – also termed a whole-family approach – serves children and their caregivers simultaneously, looking beyond a single generation by connecting parents to children to grandparents – and tying the entire unit to the social networks and human service supports they need to be successful. It weaves the extended family unit into a fabric of mutuality, giving all family members, together, opportunities to be successful.

Two-generation, whole-family approaches focus on creating opportunities for and addressing needs of both children and the adults in their lives together. The approach recognizes that families come in all different shapes and sizes and that families define themselves. Whole-family approaches further focus equally and intentionally on services and opportunities for the child and the adults in their lives. They articulate and track outcomes for both children and adults simultaneously. The core components of two-generation approaches include education, economic supports, social capital and health and well-being. To learn more, please visit,

Brain science advancements in understanding the impact of poverty on families are increasingly informing human services provision strategies. Living in poverty can result in toxic stress, which research increasingly suggests causes individuals to operate primarily in survival mode, compromising executive functioning skills. Toxic stress often translates into decisions rooted solely in safety, hunger, shelter and other basic needs – and that tradeoff among these necessities. A particularly pernicious example of this is the “benefits cliff” dilemma – making a choice to accept a nominal salary increase that results in an immediate loss of even greater magnitude in support for child care or food assistance. In other words, an immorally coercive penalty for progress.

What do you mean by the Human Service Value Curve?

Finally, NextGen organizations gauge systems change progress against the Human Service Value Curve (HSVC) toward a generative way of functioning. To learn more, please visit and

How can I learn more about this initiative and the application?

The Kresge Human Services Program will host an informational breakfast meeting on October 5, 2018 from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. at The Kresge Foundation, 3215 W. Big Beaver Road.  Please RSVP by Friday September 28, 2018 at During this meeting, we will explain the initiative and answer questions about the application process.

When will we know if we have been selected as part of the cohort?

Selection for the cohort will be made in mid-November 2018; the cohort will formally begin activities in February 2019.

I have a question that hasn’t been answered through the FAQ. How can I connect with a member of the Kresge team for help?

Questions can be submitted to [email protected].

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