Reports Increasing Student Support and Success by Boosting Medicaid Engagement February 3, 2025 Education
Speeches Supporting those on the front lines of civil justice is both a moral imperative and a pragmatic necessity for Kresge Thank you, Jo-Ann (Wallace, president and CEO), and thank you to the entire board and staff of NLADA. I want to express the gratitude of my colleagues and the trustees… Speeches November 1, 2018 Human Services
Funding Information Climate Resilience And Urban Opportunity Initiative The Climate Resilience and Urban Opportunity Initiative is focused on improving the resilience of low-income, urban communities in the face of climate change. This document explains the initiative’s purpose, its… Funding Information October 29, 2018 Environment
Reports Human Progress and Human Services 2035: A Scenario Exploration What will human progress, human need and human services be in the United States in 2035? What implications does this have for today’s strategies for public and private human service… Reports October 24, 2018 Human Services
Digital Media 2018 Climate Resilience and Urban Opportunity Initiative grantee convening The 2018 Climate Resilience and Urban Opportunity Initiative Grantee Convening took place September 25-27 in San Diego, California. This fourth and final peer-learning event of the CRUO Initiative brought together… Digital Media October 18, 2018 Environment
Presentations and Drawings FreshLo Project Success Metrics This Powerpoint deck was presented by evaluators Learning for Action at the Fall, 2018 convening of Fresh, Local and Equitable (FreshLo) initiative partners. It highlights metrics of success from the… Presentations and Drawings October 18, 2018 Arts & Culture