Reports Increasing Student Support and Success by Boosting Medicaid Engagement February 3, 2025 Education
Reports Community-Informed Heat Relief: Policy Options for Addressing Urban Extreme Heat in High-Risk Communities Extreme heat causes more deaths than any other weather-related hazard. As climate change causes temperatures to climb, this public health threat is only expected to worsen – especially in cities… Reports July 7, 2021 Environment
Digital Media Funding Grantee Leadership & Equity: Caroline Altman Smith, The Kresge Foundation Following the COVID-19 pandemic and national unrest for racial justice, more funders are paying attention to the needs and well-being of the people who work in nonprofit organizations. In a… Digital Media July 6, 2021 Leadership and Infrastructure Funding Team
Case Studies LISC/Detroit Affordable Housing Leverage Fund Case Study In this short case study, learn about the Kresge Social Investment Practice’s investment of up to $10 million in a guarantee committee to the Detroit Affordable Housing Leverage Fund via… Case Studies June 30, 2021 Detroit, Social Investment Practice
Reports An Evaluation of Kresge Innovative Projects: Detroit, Brief for the Community Development Sector Launched in 2014, Kresge Innovative Projects: Detroit (KIP:D) has made six rounds of grants to date, 127 grants in all, across the city to plan and implement transformative neighborhood projects… Reports April 28, 2021 Detroit