Reports Increasing Student Support and Success by Boosting Medicaid Engagement February 3, 2025 Education
Reports Smart money: Informing higher education philanthropy The Kresge-funded research by the Institute for Higher Education Policy focuses on metropolitan areas and identifies distinct postsecondary education funding strategies based on data about degree completion and other factors.… Reports October 27, 2011 Education
Reports The last drop: Climate change and the Southwest water crisis A Kresge-supported study by the Stockholm Environmental Institute quantifying the impact of climate change on water supplies in the Southwest. Reports October 26, 2011 Environment
Speeches How higher education can work with foundations to meet the needs of America in the 21st century Higher education and foundations can respond with innovative partnerships to transformations in the broader higher education environment and the opportunities those create for education reform. (Address to the Council of… Speeches October 3, 2011 Education
Reports Healthy and safe housing: A foundation for healthy futures By Fukuzawa, D., & Morley, R. (2010, September). Views from the Field. Washington: Grantmakers in Health. Reports September 20, 2011 Health
Print Materials Bill Harris: 2011 Kresge Eminent Artist By The Kresge Foundation, a monograph on the life and work of this literary artist and 2011 recipient of the Kresge Eminent Artist Award. (2011). The Kresge Foundation. ALSO SEE:… Print Materials September 16, 2011 Detroit