Reports Increasing Student Support and Success by Boosting Medicaid Engagement February 3, 2025 Education
Reports Freshwater Use by U.S. Power Plants: Electricity’s Thirst for a Precious Resource The Kresge-funded research by the Energy and Water in a Warming World initiative represents the first systematic assessment of both the effects of power plant cooling on water resources in… Reports November 15, 2011 Environment
Digital Media 2011 Kresge Eminent Artist Bill Harris 2011 Kresge Eminent Artist Bill Harris talks about writing and teaching “the Detroit way.” The Eminent Artist recognizes an exceptional artist for professional achievements and contributions to the cultural community.… Digital Media November 2, 2011 Detroit
Commentary Newsletters How philanthropy can respond to a new set of economic ground rules The Kresge Foundation’s strategies for grantmaking increasingly seek to protect against the kind of harm wrought by economic contractions and policy reconfiguration. Double-dip recession. European bank meltdown. Erosion of consumer… Commentary Newsletters November 2, 2011
Reports Smart money: Informing higher education philanthropy The Kresge-funded research by the Institute for Higher Education Policy focuses on metropolitan areas and identifies distinct postsecondary education funding strategies based on data about degree completion and other factors.… Reports October 27, 2011 Education
Reports The last drop: Climate change and the Southwest water crisis A Kresge-supported study by the Stockholm Environmental Institute quantifying the impact of climate change on water supplies in the Southwest. Reports October 26, 2011 Environment