Reports Increasing Student Support and Success by Boosting Medicaid Engagement February 3, 2025 Education
Reports Climate Adaptation as an Evolutionary Process: A White Paper A synthesis of information and ideas exchanged at a February, 2012, Kresge workshop focusing on different approaches to problems as well as other lessons in the field of climate-change adaptation.… Reports April 6, 2012 Environment
Reports Community health centers: Leveraging the social determinants of health A first-ever examination of community health centers’ role in addressing the social, economic, and physical conditions that contribute to poor health among the patients they serve. The work included the… Reports March 27, 2012 Health
Annual Reports 2010-2011 Kresge Annual Report By The Kresge Foundation, annual report on the foundation and its grantmaking. Annual Reports March 1, 2012
Reports Primary care 2025: A scenario exploration A project developed by the Institute for Alternative Futures (IAF) with support from The Kresge Foundation to explore how Americans could select, pay for and receive primary care, and how… Reports February 7, 2012 Health
Speeches Constancy in an Environment of Change: The Continuing Case for Detroit Address delivered at Christ Church Cranbrook in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. Speeches January 12, 2012 Detroit