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Arts and Culture in Detroit: Central to Our Past and Our Future

Kresge Foundation President and CEO Rip Rapson wrote this article on the role of arts and culture in Detroit’s revitalization for the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco’s journal Community…

Arts & Culture, Detroit

What Detroit can teach us all

Retired public employees and artwork: two civic assets rarely thought of in the same breath. But in Detroit – and, indeed, in countless cities across the country – the duo…

Cross-sector collaboration is vital to economic development

Community and economic development presents a constellation of challenges so intertwined and complex that it will be the increasingly rare circumstance in which these challenges can be resolved through neat…

Detroit is on track for a positive future

With U.S. Judge Steven Rhodes’ acceptance of the stakeholder-approved plan of adjustment, the Detroit community will be the subject of every manner of intellectual, legal, political and social discussion over the…


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