Reports Increasing Student Support and Success by Boosting Medicaid Engagement February 3, 2025 Education
Funding Information Kresge Foundation Fluxx Portal Instructions and Helpful Tips This guide offers information and tips about accessing the Kresge Foundation Fluxx Portal for online grant applications, how to create an account and log in, navigating through the portal, and… Funding Information July 28, 2015
Speeches Detroit’s Bold Urban Future: Connecting downtown and the neighborhoods Welcome. You come to Detroit at a fascinating time, as an iconic American city is being reimagined and recalibrated. This has profound implications for other cities seeking to establish their… Speeches June 25, 2015 Detroit
Reports 2014 Audited Financial Statements The full set of audited financial statements for the year ended Dec. 31, 2014. (2015). The Kresge Foundation. In addition: 2014 Annual Tax Return, Form 990-PF Readers Guide to the 2014 Form… Reports June 13, 2015
Reports A Call for Action: Strengthening the Human Services Sector This report is the product of a 2014 symposium held by The Kresge Foundation with leaders of national networks and human services nonprofits to identify major challenges and issues affecing… Reports June 1, 2015 Human Services
Speeches Mackinac Michigan moment: A city poised for bold renewal A train is leaving the station. That train is the new Detroit. You’ll hear in just a moment the familiar, but no less extraordinary, story of how we overhauled that… Speeches May 28, 2015