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Rip Rapson’s Drawings: Visual roadmaps to change

Kresge Foundation President & CEO Rip Rapson uses pencils and paper to make sense of and communicate his vision of structural change efforts in America’s cities. Rapson has created hundreds of drawings during his years at Kresge’s helm. After listening deeply to input from colleagues, partners, and the community, he develops each illustration with the intent to make the complex work of expanding opportunities more cohesive and connected. These visual roadmaps to change, Rapson says, are “a point of departure for a more thorough, intelligent and complete conversation.” Watch the video below and read an article from the Chronicle of Philanthropy, Portrait of the Grant Maker as an Artist.

“Livernois 6 Mile Neighborhood”

“Six Philanthropic Roles Post 2020”

“Response to Challenges of 2020s”

“Fortifying a Sustained Racial Justice Movement”

“Cultural Organizing to Advance Racial Equity 2021”

“2019 Equity as a Value”

“2018 Early Childhood”