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Grantmakers in Health 2023 Survey Summary: Climate Change Strategies

Environment, Health

Our opportunity and ability to thrive — as individuals, families, communities and as a country — is in danger because of the increasing instability of our climate.

This infographic summarizes the responses to a Grantmakers In Health funder survey, conducted in May and June 2023 with support from The Kresge Foundation, on how philanthropy is addressing climate change, and the barriers and opportunities that exist to support climate-related efforts.

Although many respondents did not identify as currently funding climate change initiatives, most acknowledge that their other grantmaking strategies directly or indirectly intersect with climate mitigation, adaptation or resilience. There are numerous areas ripe for health funder engagement and leadership, including addressing the mental health impacts of climate change; role of health care and public health systems, institutions, and practitioners; equitable emergency response plans; and development of resilient, sustainable communities.

In addition to support for community-based programs, leadership development, narrative building and research, there are also untapped opportunities for health funders to contribute to pooled funds, support grantee facilities or equipment, provide loans and mission-or program-related investments, and help communities leverage or match public funds.

Climate does not have to be a strategic priority or a separate initiative for health funders to work on this issue. All regions, communities, and grantees will be impacted by climate change, so now is the time to learn, connect and grow to ensure a resilient and healthy future for all.

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