United we stand for talent, for equity, for Detroit College Access and Success We must hold the expectation that all of us will be educated and skilled, and that prosperity will not only be destined for the affluent or the lucky few who "beat the odds."
The mindboggling barriers that colleges create — and that end up hurting their own students Higher Education Despite push for more graduates, problems such as library fines block completion.
Commentary College affordability, student debt repayment and the need for new systems April 11, 2024 Education
Commentary Two swings at relief from student loans with sweeping debt forgiveness and PSLF August 25, 2022 Education
Commentary Answering the call: Kresge’s Education Program’s grantmaking priorities for 2022 February 1, 2022 Education
Commentary Case study in using MRIs to further higher education goals September 16, 2020 Education, Social Investment Practice