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2051-2060 of 2243 Results

What Detroit can teach us all

December 11, 2014

Retired public employees and artwork: two civic assets rarely thought of in the same breath. But in Detroit – and, indeed, in countless cities across the country – the duo constitute an essential part of the city soul. Take Diego Rivera’s Detroit Industry Murals, a work as iconic as any on…

Early childhood education: Kresge pledges $20M to White House initiative

December 10, 2014

Business, philanthropies and nonprofits invest in high-quality education for nation’s youngest individuals. The Kresge Foundation has committed $20 million over five years to help ensure Detroit’s youngest children have access to high-quality early childhood education and are well prepared for school. Today’s commitment is part of Invest in US, a…

Cross-sector collaboration is vital to economic development

November 13, 2014

Community and economic development presents a constellation of challenges so intertwined and complex that it will be the increasingly rare circumstance in which these challenges can be resolved through neat and tidy technical interventions instead of multifaceted adaptive solutions requiring changes in beliefs, priorities and behaviors of multiple parties. (Address…

$7.5 million BUILD Health Challenge aims to bolster community health and health equity

November 12, 2014

Partnerships of hospitals, local health departments and nonprofit community organizations eligible for funding. Hospitals, public health and nonprofit and community organizations are invited to take part in a national competitive award program aimed at improving community health and promoting health equity. The BUILD Health Challenge will support communities that are…

Detroit is on track for a positive future

November 12, 2014

With U.S. Judge Steven Rhodes’ acceptance of the stakeholder-approved plan of adjustment, the Detroit community will be the subject of every manner of intellectual, legal, political and social discussion over the coming weeks. And we should welcome that. We have spent a year in profound struggle. About the legitimacy of nonelected…

Time to return to the business of rebuilding Detroit

November 7, 2014

Kresge Foundation President Rip Rapson discusses the resolution of Detroit’s municipal bankruptcy case and looks ahead to the work of philanthopy and other sectors in revitalizing the city and its neighborhoods.