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After the September 11 terrorist attacks, a $2 million grant is issued to the Nonprofit Finance Fund in New York City to address local nonprofit needs following the tragedy. In Detroit, home to one of the largest concentrations of Arab Americans in the country, a $350,000 grant is made to the Arab Community Center for … Continue reading 2001


The foundation makes its largest commitment to date through a $50 million commitment to develop the Detroit RiverWalk and establish the Detroit Riverfront Conservancy. Through 14 grants between 2002–2016, Kresge invests more than $51.6 million in the RiverWalk and Dequindre Cut project.


The Foundation elects not to decrease funding levels in view of the financial and economic crisis, and to allocate funds to aid those hardest hit. It also makes 14 no-interest loans to human service agencies.


A five-part strategic framework is adopted to focus work in Detroit: revitalizing the downtown, recalibrating the regional economy, stabilizing neighborhoods, enhancing the national environment, and promoting a robust arts and culture ecosystem. Nationally, the foundation opens eligibility for education grants to community colleges.


The M-1 RAIL public/private partnership is established to advance regional transit through a light rail line in Detroit; Kresge will support the research, planning, development and operation of the new streetcar line (the QLine) through more than $58 million in grants between 2007-2022. The line begins operating in 2017.


The Green Building Initiative (2003-2009) launches to encourage construction or renovation of environmentally sustainable and LEED certified facilities. Bonus grants of $150,000 (Gold) or $250,000 (Platinum) are awarded for LEED certification achieved.


Kresge constructs and opens a 19,500-square-foot, environmentally sustainable office building on the Brooks Farm site. The design integrates a renovation of the historic 19th-century farmhouse and barn, which had served as offices for years, with the construction of a contemporary LEED Platinum building.


Under Rapson’s leadership, Kresge expands beyond capital challenge grants and begins to work under a new philosophy of “strategic philanthropy” based on “value criteria,” including whether work creates opportunity for low-income people, provides additional community impact beyond the project itself, contributes to an institution’s transformation, involves thoughtful risk-taking, promotes environmental conservation, demonstrates innovation, encourages collaboration … Continue reading 2007


Kresge approves the Special Opportunities Initiative to help seven nonprofit organizations nationwide create or expand their private fundraising capacity through $4 million in grants over five years. The first four organizations selected are: Bay Cove Human Services (Boston, MA), La Clinica de La Raza (Oakland, CA), Olney Theater (Olney, MD), and Project Renewal (New York, … Continue reading 2002