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Focus Area

Multi-City Initiatives

We support initiatives that surface, seed and scale effective approaches to community development. We particularly support projects that pilot a new way of working across a cohort of cities.

We support multi-city community development initiatives through grants and social investments.

We’ve seeded and scaled, for example, the Boston Federal Reserve Bank’s Working Cities Challenge, which encourages the use of collaborative and creative approaches to strengthen low-income communities. Reimagining the Civic Commons, an effort to promote engagement, equity, environmental sustainability and economic development in cities, has also been funded as a part of this focus area.

Strengthening Communities

Our investment in community-centered initiatives aims to strengthen low-income communities. We prioritize initiatives that leverage strong partnerships and engage authentically and systematically with local communities. We also provide sustained general operating support to organizations and entities tackling front-line societal issues and creating opportunities for underserved communities.