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Aneesh Sohoni

One Million Degrees

Aneesh is the child of immigrants and was compelled to begin his career in education because of the meaningful role access to educational opportunities played in his family’s life. He started as a high school English teacher. It was his experience working with his students that brought to life for Aneesh the limitless potential of students and the need to ensure all students had access to opportunities to meet their potential. Since leaving the classroom, Aneesh worked in the public and nonprofit sector supporting education reform efforts at a city and state level. This includes his time at the Tennessee Department of Education where he played a major role in the design and implementation of the state’s transformative teacher evaluation system and at TNTP (formerly The New Teacher Project), where he supported human capital and academic reform efforts in Camden, NJ and Boston, MA. Most recently, Aneesh served as the Executive Director for Teach For America in Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana for nearly six years.