Reports Increasing Student Support and Success by Boosting Medicaid Engagement February 3, 2025 Education
Funding Information Request for Proposals: “Fresh, Local & Equitable: Food as a Creative Platform for Neighborhood Revitalization” This Kresge Foundation funding opportunity is designed to support food-oriented initiatives that contribute to economic revitalization, cultural expression and health in low-income communities. Kresge will award up to 20 planning… Funding Information November 2, 2015 Arts & Culture, Health
Reports Empowering Prosperity: Strengthening Human Services Impacts Through Asset Integration Billed as a “Guidebook to Stimulate Discussion and Action,” this publication of the Institute on Assets and Social Policy and the National Human Services Assembly outlines key approaches to asset… Reports October 14, 2015 Human Services
Reports Returns on Resilience: The Business Case The Urban Land Institute has released Returns on Resilience: The Business Case. The Kresge Foundation-funded report identifies real estate projects designed to perform well in the face of climate-related threats… Reports October 8, 2015 Environment
Reports Funding the Extraordinary: An Evaluation of The Kresge Foundation Arts and Culture Program’s Institutional Capitalization Grantmaking A series of Kresge Foundation grants desiged to help arts-related nonprofits better undersand their financial situation and improve their balance sheets resulted in positive changes within organizatonal practices, according to… Reports October 7, 2015 Arts & Culture
Speeches Student-managed investment fund a way to nurture local talent, connect to local opportunity Delivered Sept. 30, 2015, at a press conference at Oakland University announcing the formation of a $2 million student-managed investment fund carved out of The Kresge Foundation’s $3.5 billion investment portfolio… Speeches September 30, 2015