Reports Increasing Student Support and Success by Boosting Medicaid Engagement February 3, 2025 Education
Reports The Path to Partnership: Lessons Learned in the Pursuit of Joint Initiatives between Affordable Housing Providers and Medicaid Managed Care Programs This report by Stewards of Affordable Housing for the Future, produced with support from The Kresge Foundation, documents lessons learned from research and demonstration projects across the nation that combine health… Reports April 25, 2017 Health
Reports Grantmakers in Health, “Guide to impact investing” Grantmakers In Health (2017): This guide provides a framework to help funders think strategically about the potential of impact investing, part of a growing practice that incorporates environmental, social, and… Reports April 3, 2017 Health, Social Investment Practice
Reports Issue brief: Exploring the Green Infrastructure Workforce This report is an isssue brief, “Exploring the Green Infrastructure Workforce,” prepared by Jobs for the Future as part of NatureWORKS, a national initiative to understand the jobs, careers, skills, credentials,… Reports March 23, 2017 Environment
Reports Hungry and Homeless in College This report presents findings from the largest survey ever conducted of basic needs insecurity among college students. Completed by Wisconsin HOPE Lab in partnership with Association of Community College Trustees,… Reports March 15, 2017 Education
Reports Predictive Analytics in Higher Education Without ethical practices, student data could be used to curtail academic success rather than help ensure it. For example, without a clear plan in place, an institution could use predictive… Reports March 5, 2017 Education