Reports Increasing Student Support and Success by Boosting Medicaid Engagement February 3, 2025 Education
Case Studies Creative Placemaking Case Study: Brookland-Edgewood This case study on the Brookland-Edgewood neighborhood of Washington DC, illustrates how Creative Placemaking, the deliberate integration of arts and culture into comprehensive community development, can serve as a critical… Case Studies May 22, 2017 Arts & Culture
Case Studies Creative Placemaking Case Study Summary: Brookland-Edgewood This is a one-page summary of a Creative Placemaking case study on the Brookland-Edgewood neighborhood of Washington DC. It was authored by Point Forward and commissioned by The Kresge Foundation. Case Studies May 22, 2017 Arts & Culture
Speeches Reinvestment index shows business leaders and local entrepreneurs are optimistic about Detroit Although Kresge is a national foundation that focuses on expanding opportunities in cities across the United States, our core identity has been deeply tied to Detroit since our founding in… Speeches May 17, 2017 American Cities
Reports As the South Grows: On Fertile Soil The first in a series of four research papers highlighting local social-change voices across the South. The series, As the South Goes, is a project of the National Committee for Responsive… Reports May 10, 2017
Reports M-1 RAIL Development and Construction Inclusion Report This report documents the $7 billion in investments that have been made or are planned along the light-rail system along Woodward Avenue in Detroit since 2013. It also documents how… Reports May 5, 2017 Detroit