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Creative Placemaking Case Study: Brookland-Edgewood

This case study on the Brookland-Edgewood neighborhood of Washington DC, illustrates how Creative Placemaking, the deliberate integration of arts and culture into comprehensive community development, can serve as a critical…

Arts & Culture

Creative Placemaking Case Study Summary: Brookland-Edgewood

This is a one-page summary of a Creative Placemaking case study on the Brookland-Edgewood neighborhood of Washington DC. It was authored by Point Forward and commissioned by The Kresge Foundation.

Arts & Culture

As the South Grows: On Fertile Soil

The first in a series of four research papers highlighting local social-change voices across the South. The series, As the South Goes, is a project of the National Committee for Responsive…

M-1 RAIL Development and Construction Inclusion Report

This report documents the $7 billion in investments that have been made or are planned along the light-rail system along Woodward Avenue in Detroit since 2013. It also documents how…


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