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Detroit: The sharp edge of innovation

Good morning. Thank you for participating in such an historic event – one that will fortify and help accelerate the trajectory of renewal so in evidence over the last three…


Detroit: The sharp edge of innovation

Detroit is in the midst of profound change – working at the sharp edge of innovation because its very survival depends on it. And The Kresge Foundation, whose deep roots…


New thinking is transforming Detroit

In public transit, in entrepreneurialism and in land use, The Kresge Foundation and its partners are using a different kind of thinking to help Detroit re-imagine its future. (Remarks at…


David DiChiera: 2013 Kresge Eminent Artist

A monograph on the life and work of David DiChiera, founder and longtime music and general director of the Michigan Opera Theatre and the 2013 Kresge Eminent Artist. Prepared and…


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