Reports Increasing Student Support and Success by Boosting Medicaid Engagement February 3, 2025 Education
Speeches Creative placemaking: Rethinking the role of arts and culture in strengthening communities The Kresge Foundation’s particular conception of creative placemaking is fueled by our belief that a powerful synergy emerges when you marry it to a focus on urban opportunity – that… Speeches July 18, 2013 Arts & Culture
Reports Water-Smart Power Strengthening the U.S. Electricity System in a Warming World A study led by the Union of Concerned Scientists makes the case for replacing aging power plants with facilities designed for renewable energy and improved efficiency. Decisions about new power… Reports July 16, 2013 Environment
Reports Detroit Reimagined: A place where people thrive A white paper prepared for the Robert Woods Johnson Foundation Commission to Build a Healthier America. By Laura J. Trudeau, senior program director for Kresge’s Community Development and Detroit programs… Reports July 10, 2013 Detroit
Reports Clearing the path to a brighter future: Addressing barriers to community college access and success A Kresge-funded white paper by Association of Community College Trustees and Single Stop USA details the impact the Single Stop model has had on community college students, as well as… Reports July 10, 2013 Education
Reports Crisis and Opportunity: Aligning the Community College Presidency with Student Success By the end of this decade, nearly half of the current community college presidents will likely be retired. The Aspen Institute and Achieving the Dream have researched the qualities of… Reports June 24, 2013 Education