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Increasing Student Support and Success by Boosting Medicaid Engagement


There is an ongoing health crisis in the community college sector. Exacerbated by the pandemic, the crisis has resulted in high rates of anxiety, depression, substance abuse, suicidal ideation, food insecurity and more. Colleges often struggle to address these needs. Fewer than half of students experiencing a mental health condition receive mental health services.

Community colleges play a key role in the delivery of health services to students. But even though many community colleges offer student health services, only a small fraction bill Medicaid for any of the eligible services they offer. In the United States, 84% of community colleges offer student health services that are eligible for reimbursement through Medicaid, but only 3% of community colleges actually claim reimbursements.

This report explores ways of increasing colleges’ participation in and optimal use of Medicaid to offset costs and help remove healthcare access as a barrier to postsecondary completion. The principal leads for this project are Ryan Stewart, CEO and founder of Mile 2 Consulting, and Sara Goldrick-Rab, CEO and founder of EduOptimists. This research was supported by a grant from ECMC Foundation and Kresge.

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