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Evolving the Community Foundation Business Model of the Future: A Path Towards Sustainability and Impact

American Cities

Community foundations across the country are answering the call of growing community needs such as affordable housing, support for small businesses and access to quality education. But as the role of community foundations in civic life grows, how can they evolve their business models to maximize their impact?

A new report, Evolving the Community Foundation Business Model of the Future: A Path Towards Sustainability and Impact, by the Aspen Institute Program on Philanthropy and Social Innovation explores and analyzes what community foundations are doing now to power their community-building efforts. Through research, analysis and interviews including with Kresge American Cities Managing Director Chantel Rush Tebbe the report examines four areas of business model experimentations at several U.S. community foundations and offers recommendations for action that could help contribute toward more resilient and thriving communities.

The report was developed with support from Arrow Impact, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Hilton Foundation and Kresge.

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