We Invest in Cities Through Eight Programs and Practices
Today, Kresge works strategically to find the intersections between eight programs and practices to expand equity and opportunity in America’s cities. We work deeply in places like Detroit, Fresno, Memphis and New Orleans.
We also fund work nationally, to improve systems and advance equitable policies nationwide. We use an array of flexible grantmaking and social investment tools, including general operating support, project grants, planning grants and impact investments.
We promote effective, inclusive community development practices in U.S. cities, especially New Orleans, Memphis and Fresno.
We position culture and creativity as drivers of more just communities.
We collaborate cross-sectorally to promote and expand long-term, equitable opportunity in Kresge’s hometown by centering the priorities of its residents.
We work to increase postsecondary attainment while eliminating equity gaps in the U.S. and South Africa.
We help cities combat and adapt to climate change while advancing racial and economic justice.
We help build equity-focused systems of health that create opportunities for all people to achieve well-being.
We accelerate social and economic mobility for people with low incomes.
We work across the seven program areas in U.S. cities to breakdown barriers to capital.
How We Apply the Work
While each program or practice funds work individually, we also work frequently through cross-team collaborations, by funding initiatives (cohorts of partners working on a common work plan), and through internal, cross-department funding teams.
Grants or investments are awarded in a cohort model, often with common activities, a shared learning goal and/or convening opportunities.
LIFT uses an equity lens to strengthen our partners’ leadership and the nonprofit sector through capacity-building grants.
We are committed to strategic learning and knowledge sharing that advance our mission and the fields in which we work.
Kresge works nationally and with a special focus in certain cities.
Kresge’s hometown has always been central to our work. Our current efforts center on equity and neighborhood revitalization.
Since 2015, we have worked with local leaders to translate lessons from Detroit to Memphis and advance equity.
In New Orleans, we seek to expand urban opportunity and address challenges in a great city that is kindred to our hometown of Detroit.
Since 2018, we’ve sought to expand equity and opportunity by funding cross-sector planning and collaboration, community and economic development, community organizing, and advocacy.