Share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email As part of its month-long celebration every February of organizations that develop and implement innovations that transform and improve communities, the Corporation for National & Community Service highlights the work of its Social Innovation Fund (SIF) during “SIF Week.” The Kresge Foundation has made many grants directly to organizations supported by the fund, some of them alongside SIF investments. Launched by federal legislation in 2009, the SIF and its private-sector partners have invested almost $1 billion through its SIF Classic and SIF Pay For Success programs. More than 450 nonprofits have received funds through the SIF, while the Pay For Success program has awarded more than $12.3 million to 65 organizations. SIF and its’ grantees create a learning network of organizations working to implement evidence-based solutions to local and national challenges in three priority areas: economic opportunity, healthy futures and youth development. Through the Corporation for National and Community Service, the Social Innovation Fund receives funding from the federal government along with support from private-sector partners. With the possibility of reduced federal support looming, those interested in supporting social innovation work can learn more or directly support such work can visit organizations online. As part of SIF Week, use the hashtags #SIFundWorks #SIFWeek #SIFund to join the conversation or follow @SIFund to learn more. Here are a few of the organizations whose social innovation work has received Kresge support Genesys Works Jobs for the Future Local Initiatives Support Corporation REDF United Way for Southeastern Michigan
News Two new staff join Kresge’s Arts & Culture, Investment teams January 22, 2025 Arts & Culture, General Foundation News