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Foundation CEOs Rapson and Lindborg discuss their shared commitment to climate resilience


Communications Officer Kaniqua Welch

Kaniqua Welch

Charged with sharing their vision for a climate-resilient nation, Kresge President and CEO Rip Rapson joined Nancy Lindborg, president and CEO of the David & Lucille Packard Foundation, in a recorded conversation to discuss climate resilience investments and activities on a global scale.

The conversation was hosted by Dana Lanza, CEO of Confluence Philanthropy, a network of more than 250 foundations and investors committed to aligning their grantmaking and investing through the values of sustainability, equity and justice.

The White House’s release of the first-ever National Climate Resilience Framework spurred the conversation with Rapson, Lindborg and Lanza. The framework serves as “a vision for a climate resilient nation designed to guide and align climate resilience investments and activities by the federal government and its partners.”

Along with the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and the Walton Family Foundation, Packard and Kresge publicly pledged to support the framework, agreeing to:

  1. Work with fellow donors, community organizations, and others to create a shared framework for climate resilience philanthropy that both complements and catalyzes public and private sector action;
  2. Mobilize new philanthropic commitments to address funding gaps and broaden the coalition working to strengthen climate resilience and adaptation;
  3. Strengthen the knowledge base and accelerate learning across the field; and
  4. Strengthen communications to make climate resilience and the way climate change is directly experienced easier to understand and resilience more achievable.