The Works Inc. The Works is one of Memphis’ largest nonprofit real estate developers in South Memphis and has a track record of increasing available affordable housing options for residents by removing blight and clearing vacant parcels, rehabbing singlefamily and multifamily housing units, and providing housing policy advocacy work. This enterprise-level investment provides flexible, low-cost capital in Memphis. View Website Amount $2 million program-related investment loan Year 2023 Location Memphis, Tennessee Program American Cities, Social Investment Practice Focus Area Fresno, Memphis & New Orleans
Urban Renaissance Partners, Inc. Urban Renaissance Partners will finance the first phase of renovating a vacant school building in the South City neighborhood of Memphis. The site will be redeveloped and anchored by an early childhood center, a component of the HUD South City Choice Neighborhoods Initiative (CNI). Amount $543,000 program-related investment loan Year 2023 Location Memphis, TN Program American Cities Focus Area Fresno, Memphis & New Orleans
St. Bernard Project (SBP) The St. Bernard Project (SBP) mission is to reduce the time between a disaster and full recovery by rebuilding homes, increasing preparedness and resilience, and improving systems to better serve the needs of all Americans. SBP also works to create solutions for families in need of safe, affordable housing. This guarantee supports its Recovery Acceleration Fund (RAF), which ensures millions of dollars are available annually to help families repair their homes post disaster at no cost. View Website Amount $2 million guarantee Year 2023 Location New Orleans, LA Program American Cities, Social Investment Practice Focus Area Fresno, Memphis & New Orleans
Together New Orleans This loan supports predevelopment financing, working capital and construction financing for solar + storage systems installed on power resiliency centers and community solar, primarily in Orleans Parish or surrounding parishes, as part of the Community Lighthouse project View Website Amount $2 million program-related investment Year 2023 Location New Orleans, LA Program American Cities, Environment, Social Investment Practice Focus Area
TruFund Financial Services This investment supports TruFund’s Impact Developers Fund (IMD), which was established to support BIPOC and women-owned housing developers across the U.S. who lack access to affordable capital and support from conventional sources. IDF aims to build and support the ecosystem of BIPOC and women-owned housing developers by providing critical balance sheet equity capital and technical assistance. View Website Amount $3M equity investment Year 2022 Location New York, NY Program American Cities, Detroit Focus Area
Pathway Lending The Memphis Medical District Investment Fund seeks to remedy the appraisal gap in mixed-use commercial real estate in the market by forward-committing permanent financing based on a loan-to-cost ratio paired with a flexible construction loan. The goal is to pull forward what would be15-20 years of development in the district into the next 5-7 years. View Website Amount $6 million guarantee Year 2021 Location Nashville, TN Program American Cities, Social Investment Practice Focus Area Fresno, Memphis & New Orleans
Fresno Housing Authority This program-related investment loan will allow the Fresno Housing Authority the flexible capital needed to pursue a robust pipeline of Low Income Housing Tax Credit projects in Fresno between 2020 and 2022 and to test new ideas and objectives, including Black homeownership, motel conversion, and Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing (NOAH). View Website Amount $2 million loan Year 2020 Location Fresno, CA Program American Cities Focus Area Fresno, Memphis & New Orleans
NewCorp Geography Served: New Orleans, LA Project: BuildNOLA Mobilization Fund The BuildNOLA Mobilization Fund launched in 2016 as a pilot to test the efficacy of a revolving loan pool to support Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) working on public sector projects with a focus on African American-owned DBEs. This guarantee, converted from a prior approved program-related investment loan, will support a $10 million fully capitalized fund that over the long-term will strengthen disadvantaged businesses’ ability to bid and execute on a pipeline of public contracts, access roles as prime contractors and, over time, build wealth among these business owners and their employees. View Website Amount Up to $2 million guarantee Year 2020 Location New Orleans, Louisiana Program American Cities, Human Services, Social Investment Practice Focus Area
Pathway Lending Geography Served: Memphis, TN Project: Memphis Small Business Mezzanine Fund Pathways Lending is a CDFI that provides lending solutions and educational services to support the development, growth, and preservation of underserved small businesses, affordable housing, and sustainable communities. With this program-related investment loan, Pathways will team with Epicenter Memphis, an entrepreneur hub focused on the underserved, to provide Pathway’s small business investment services to black-led businesses in Memphis, helping them to grow their businesses and drive social and economic mobility for business owners, their employees and communities. View Website Amount Up to $2.5 million loan Year 2018 Location Nashville, TN Program American Cities, Human Services, Social Investment Practice Focus Area
Aura Mortgage Advisors Geography Served: Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Chicago and urban areas of New Jersey Project: Stabilizing Urban Neighborhoods (SUN) Aura Mortgage Advisors helps families who have a steady income – but can’t make their monthly mortgage payments due to hardship – remain in their homes. This guarantee supported SUN’s application to the CDFI Bond Guarantee Program (BGP). The successful application unlocked $100 million of long-term fixed-rate financing to scale SUN and encouraged the BGP to adjust its structure and underwriting criteria to permit a wider range of community development projects for financing. View Website Amount $3 million guarantee Year 2017 Location Boston, Massachusetts Program American Cities, Social Investment Practice Focus Area