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Founder of CoverPoint Partners, focused on providing support from capital to operations expertise in education-fintech. Experience includes 18 years as the Founder & CEO of Ceannate Corp and several companies in education loan servicing and collections, mental health, and other SaaS platforms including government improper payment error reduction. Portfolio companies include, and

1. How has your personal journey influenced your approach to leadership?

To be kind and thoughtful for those who work for you; learned more about what not to do from some of my bosses; to be kind even when firing someone because after this, you will not have another interaction (most likely) with that person; To win. Do everything that you would ask your subordinates to do. There is no such thing as "well-played!"

2. What do you consider to be the greatest challenge as a leader of color?

Over the years, I have learned to work harder, do better, get smarter. I did not feel discriminated but had to win. Much of my energy has been to ignore it and win. I have felt discrimination once or twice back in the early 90s. Since then, I have been lucky and successful.It may be because I ignored it in search of career success? Or maybe because I have always been open, honest and provided feedback to those who acted out of ignorance but not malice?

3. What inspires and/or motivates you in your leadership journey?

My only goal has been to transform higher education finance to help learners find better jobs and with lesser debt to do so.

4. What is one piece of advice you have for aspiring leaders of color?

Hard Q.First, I have worked on some assimilation and not focus hard on being recognized as being different. People know I am; just as I feel they are.Second, I am honest about my sensitivities. [For example maybe not the best example, but as a vegetarian, I demand we go to a restaurant I can eat in. Or I won't go. People accept and accommodate if we tell them].Third, if I feel the energy is wrong, I walk away. I find no reason to hang out with or work with people who do not respect me - regardless of the reason for the bias. Color may not be the only issue.Fourth, I think ignorance around POC is the big problem, not the color. Many people thought I was an anesthesiologist; others a surgeon; most people thought I was an IT guy. It is a stereotype and people of color can change the world by clearing up the ignorance that comes from stereotyping.Fifth, I think there is racism. But there always will be something we all identify with and flock around.